so, i've been playing a lot of animal crossing: new leaf. i actually consider the hours i've racked up on this game recently as the most frequent form of social contact i've had in a while, because frankly, my family doesn't count at all. i went through something...tragic? traumatic? something with the prefix tra very recently. it was the fastest dissolution i've ever seen occur with my own two eyes. it was the first time in a very long time where i was forced to look at myself in the mirror and consider who i really was, even if my previous perceptions had gotten me by so far. i haven't come up with a conclusion yet, by the way. i think the stress of everything materialized itself into something tangible, real, and never to be ignored by my body. i got pretty sick and haven't quite recovered from it yet. i imagine it to look a lot like a koffing or a weezing pokemon, all gross and evil and purple and swirling around my insides. here's to hoping for hea...
for whatever reason, i keep thinking that it's time i start a blog. again. why? i'm not sure. blogs are archaic. a dead art form that serve no purpose to anyone, really. but why should that stop me? i've got things to say, damnit! really, though. i'm not sure what to say, now that i'm sitting here, typing. i guess the main thing on my mind in this moment is how much i appreciate a good comma. i took a creative writing class a bit ago where the professor encouraged us not to use commas. he deemed them unnecessary. frivolous. apparently, my work read better without them. but, oh comma, how you've served me so! you break up my thoughts, and break them up well. you're the pause i need when i want my words to feel like they've spilled directly out of my mouth, instead of being clacked and tacked onto a virtual screen through magic i've yet to understand. i, oh comma, will always be faithful to you. thank you for making me a braver writer. i hope to updat...
the idea for this post came to me just now, when i brought my laptop to another part of the house to work on a different post for this blog. that one was going to be deep and philosophical and hopefully put to words this otherwise indescribable, ball-shaped, mushy amorphous gob of emotional baggage i've been carrying with me for probably a decade. instead, i found my last pack of crunchy pepero calling to me from the pantry, begging to be eaten. and who am i not to entertain this delicious snack's final dying wish? it was the last of the litter, lonely without its cardboard companions. orphaned snack box, it was. middle child snack box, it was. so, i ate it. and my god, even though i've been eating this snack all week thanks to a well-timed costco trip with my parents, i had to revel in its music, with its flavor being nothing short of a symphony. and then i looked at the laundry list of ingredients plastered on the ENTIRE backside of the box. it's a cracker stick dip...