let's take a crack at this again

for whatever reason, i keep thinking that it's time i start a blog. again.

why? i'm not sure. blogs are archaic. a dead art form that serve no purpose to anyone, really. but why should that stop me? i've got things to say, damnit!

really, though. i'm not sure what to say, now that i'm sitting here, typing. i guess the main thing on my mind in this moment is how much i appreciate a good comma. i took a creative writing class a bit ago where the professor encouraged us not to use commas. he deemed them unnecessary. frivolous. apparently, my work read better without them.

but, oh comma, how you've served me so! you break up my thoughts, and break them up well. you're the pause i need when i want my words to feel like they've spilled directly out of my mouth, instead of being clacked and tacked onto a virtual screen through magic i've yet to understand. i, oh comma, will always be faithful to you. thank you for making me a braver writer.

i hope to update this pretty often, if something should arise that i feel is worth talking about. but, realistically, i probably won't. my life is only just beginning, and i have to actually live it in order to write about it.

what to say, what to say...

plenty to come.


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